Admission Requirements | Medical Physics | College of Engineering | University of Miami

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Admission Requirements

The Medical Physics Graduate Program is part of the graduate program in the College of Engineering. Students who graduate from the program will receive MS or PhD degree in Medical Physics. Applicants should follow instructions required by the Admission Office in the College of Engineering. The application for the Medical Physics Graduate Program is under the guidelines of The Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Students with an appropriate BS or MS degree may seek direct entry to the graduate program with either the MS track or the PhD track.

The Medical Physics Graduate Program at the University of Miami received accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Educational Programs (CAMPEP) since 2013. CAMPEP has approved the program’s current accreditation through 6/30/2027.

  • BS to MS: The Admission Committee will carefully review academic credentials for admission into the MS program coming from appropriate BS degrees, along with the other required application materials (transcripts, letters of recommendation, prerequisite courses, personal statement, etc.) and select those applicants who show the most promise for the departmental MS degree. Typically, a minimum of GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required.
  • BS to PhD: Direct admission to the PhD track by students holding BS degrees is limited to students with exceptional credentials, typically a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. After completion of the Departmental MS requirements, students enrolled in the direct BS to PhD track may apply for an MS degree.
  • MS to PhD: Criteria for admission into the PhD program for students with an appropriate MS degree include a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale within their MS degree program.

Students applying for the medical physics program should submit three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s abilities and background. Accepted MS applicants can apply and be considered on a competitive basis for partial tuition scholarships. A minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 must be maintained in order to maintain satisfactory progress and receive the MS degree.

Accepted PhD applicants’ financial assistance is available in the form of fellowships, partial tuition scholarships, research assistantships, and graduate cooperative assistantships combining study and work assignments with private clinical, engineering, and government agencies. A minimum graduate GPA of 3.3 must be maintained in order to maintain satisfactory progress and receive the PhD degree.

Considering the interdisciplinary training nature of the medical physics program and ABR Audit Standards for Initial Certification in Medical Physics, specific requirements are enforced for students entering the program. Applicants should have received BS degrees in physics, engineering, or other physical science, taken two-semester (6-credit) calculus-based introductory physics courses. Considering strong physics background is required by the program, applicants should have taken additional at least 9-credit upper-level physics courses. Course examples include:

  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Atomic Physics
  • Modern Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Optics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Heat & Thermodynamics
  • Advanced Mechanics

However, flexibility is also given to students, who have not taken these courses but are qualified for other requirements. These students will be conditionally admitted to the medical physics graduate program and they need to complete the required credits within the first year of their study.
